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general activity中文是什么意思

用"general activity"造句"general activity"怎么读"general activity" in a sentence


  • 一般活动


  • For general activities of the british council in china , please visit
  • After - working hours general activity is the fitness , or gathers with the good friend
  • Foldable tents can be set up in minutes and are suitable for booth games and general activities
  • Using a database includes three general activities : entering and validating data , manipulating the data ( through queries and filters ) , and reporting the data by generating reports
  • On one side reason shows that the expression of the will of a manhis words , in fact , are only a part of the general activity expressed in an event , such as a revolution or a war , and therefore without the assumption of an incomprehensible , supernatural forcea miracleit cannot be admitted that these words can be the immediate cause of the movements of millions of men . on the other side , even if one admits that words may be the cause of an event , history shows us that the expression of the will of historical personages in the great majority of cases does not lead to any effect at allthat is , that their commands are often not carried out , and , in fact , sometimes the very opposite of what they have commanded is done
用"general activity"造句  


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